eTwinning projekt - Znanstvenici (eTwinning project Scientists)

Deset učenika 6.a i 6.c razreda pod mentorstvom učiteljice Željke Šikić uključili su se u eTwinning projekt Znanstvenici (službeni naziv: Hayata yön verenler 2). Cilj projekta je da učenici upoznaju život i rad poznatih znanstvenika te da njihove životne priče i uspjeh budu nadahnuće učenicima. Projekt traje tijekom školske godine 2019./2020. te će se provoditi različite aktivnosti predstavljanja rada i života znanstvenika u školi i online pomoću web 2.0 alata. Sve zajedničke aktivnosti i suradnja s kolegama iz drugih zemalja odvijaju se u sigurnom okružju TwinSpace-a. Učenici su do sada osmislili i napravili logo i pano projekta te su posjetili Memorijalni centar Nikola Tesla gdje su prikupili osnovne informacije o životu i radu Nikole Tesle. Zahvaljujemo se ravnateljici Kolak i osoblju MC Nikola Tesla, Sanji i Ivani na odličnoj suradnji te ugodnom, poučnom i kvalitetnom druženju. Također, roditeljima učenika uključenih u projekt hvala na pomoći i odličnoj suradnji.

Učiteljica Željka Šikić

-Ten students in grades 6.a and 6.c under the mentorship of teacher Željka Šikic joined the eTwinning project Scientists (official name: Hayata yön verenler 2). The aim of the project is to get students acquainted with the life and work of well-known scientists and to make their life stories and success an inspiration to students. The project runs throughout the 2019./2020. school year. There will be a various activities of presenting the work and life of scientists at school and online they will be carried out using web 2.0 tools. All joint activities and collaborations with colleagues from other countries take place in a secure TwinSpace environment. So far, the students have designed and made a panel of the project and visited Memorial center Nikola Tesla where they gathered basic information about Nikola Tesla's life and work. We thank the director Kolak and the staff of MC Nikola Tesla, Sanja and Ivana for their excellent cooperation and pleasant, instructive and quality time we spend in Memorijal center. Also, thanks to the parents of the students involved in the project for their help and excellent cooperation. Teacher Željka Šikić - image image image image image image image image image image

Službeni logo projekta / Official project logo image

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